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Sunday, April 6, 2008

ClickBank Tips

ClickBank Tips
Affiliate Programs, ClickBank
How To Use Clickbank To Generate Monster Ongoing Profits.
by Andrew Fox
ClickBank is the Internet’s largest digitalmarketplace, where thousands of theweb’s most popular products are soldevery day.
What what people don’t realize is howeasy it is to get started with Clickbankand how you can start generatingsales even if you have your ownproduct.
There are a few ways to do this.
1) Acquire Resale Rights to a productyou don’t own, create an page foraffiliates and supply them tools topromote and feed of their efforts.
2) Promote products as an affiliateusing Pay per Click Search Engines
So which method is best?
I’ve successfully tried both methods,both with good results.
For the beginner I recommendpromoting products as an affiliateto get used to how the system worksand to help sharpen your pay perclick search engine advertisingskills.
Acquiring Resale Rights to a hotselling product can be lucrativeventure when set up correctly.
In fact I managed to generate over$25,764 in sales for a resale licenseI paid $197 for without spendinga penny on advertising.
I was able to do this by leveragingClickbank’s instant affiliate forcewhich I teach in great depth in mynew course Dominating CB.
Once you have built a successfulcustomer and lead list thereare also several ways you canleverage this into even greaterprofits.
Clickbank is such an attractiveproposition for affiliates to use.They know they are going to getpaid twice per month and onclockwork every time.
Sometimes product ownerscomplain that the fees are higherthan the average merchantaccount but the ability to leverageit’s massive network of affiliatecan results in mega profits whendone correctly.
Warm Regards,
Andrew Fox

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